Alert messages for restricted actions in the IM


Hey Guys, i’m using the Toollkit for a React application and in the Interaction Manager code I include some restrictions, but… when the users try to remove or disable a restricted filter there is no clue about what they are doing wrong, so mi question is, there is a way to show that kind of restricted actions?


Hey @jessica sure, actually there is an event for that, you can use the Notification event for show that information, so when something important happens this event is triggered, just let me show you a little example:

myChart.on('notification', event => {
    const msg = `${event.type}: ${event.message}`


Thank you so much @emoya a tried and i think it really help me and also with the type property in the event parameter i can decide if show a message according to the event type. :grinning::+1:t3:


Your welcome, just let us know if you need more help or ideas :smile: