App with Studio Cli not working


We’ve started using the Studio Cli to automate de process of creating standalone dashboards from ChartFactor Studio as suggested in this entry

We’ve been using Elastic for all of our dashboards. But recently we started using Google BigQuery. Yesterday I exported a dashboard to generate a standalone app with the Cli tool, everything went well and nothing failed. But when we open the app we got this:


It seems that the BigQuery provider for some reason only works within Studio and not in standalone apps. Any solution for this?


It’s hard to tell only from what you describe. That error usually means that a given visualization is using a non existing provider. Can you provide more information on the steps you used to generate the app using the cli-tool? Did you modified the generated app code?


Well, the cli-tool is pretty easy to use, what we did was:

  • Created the dashboard within ChartFactor Studio,
  • Exported as a .cfs file into a directory.
  • Used the cli tool command: cfs -i ~/path/to/exported/directory -o ~/output
  • Copied the generated app in our local web server
  • Opened the app in the browser. The error shows in the developer tool.

We have not modified any generated code from the app and the same exact steps work when generating apps using the Elastic provider.


If no modification is done to the generated code, then the issue may be that the BigQuery library is not being loaded, can you make sure of the following?:

  1. Check the directory cf-libs within the cli-tool root folder and look for the Google BigQuery provider library. If is not there, then that’s the problem, since from that folder the cli-tool pulls all the required toolkit libraries.

  2. If it is there, then check in the browser if the library is being resolved and loaded in the network connection tab, in the developer tools.


Thanks, @eduardo, I actually checked the other way around and the library was not being loaded. For our surprise it was not in the the folder you mentioned (cf-libs), we only had there those we were using. As soon as I added the bigquery library and re-generated the app, it worked.