Apply filter for geo map gl current area


Hello, I need to do something special for my react app, I have some basic visualizations like a Raw data table, Bars, Donut, some KPIs and a Geo Map GL, what i need is to apply a filter every single time the user changes the zoom or the current area, is there a way to do this?


Sure, first you need to use the map move or map zoom event and then build a filter and apply it to the visualizations, let me show you an example:

let aktiveMap = cf.getVisualization("your-map");
let geoMap = aktiveMap.get("map");

geoMap.on("moveend", (e) => {
    let bounds = geoMap.getBounds();
    let nw = bounds.getNorthWest();
    let se = bounds.getSouthEast();
    let ne = {"lng":se.lng, "lat"};
    let sw = {"lng":nw.lng, "lat"};

    let filterBoundaries = [[nw.lng,], [ne.lng,], [se.lng,], [sw.lng,], [nw.lng,]];

    let boundaryFilter = cf.Filter("location").label("zoomFilter").type("POLYGON").operation("IN").value(filterBoundaries);

    // get the visualization you want to update and apply the filter:
    let viz = cf.getVisualization("your-chart");
    viz.staticFilters([boundaryFilter]).execute(); // here you can use `filters` or `staticFilters` as you need

So, basically the idea is to create a box with the current area and then use it as a boundary filter.


Hi, happy new year, and it seems a bit complicated, let me try and let you know.