Custom queries in toolkit


Hello, i saw that we can use some custom queries in Chartfactor studio, but i have an embedded application usin react and Postgres SQL as a provider, so my question is, can we do de something similar in my application?, i dont want to create a view for that in the database, so i think creating a custom query like in ChartFactor Studio solves the problem, it is posible?


Yes, and actually is very easy to do, you just need to include that custom query in your provider metadata, like this:

const providers = [
        name: "My provider",
        url: "http://localhost:5432",
        provider: "redshift",
        metadata: {
            "myCustomQuery": { 
                query: `select * from public.my_table limit 100`

And then use it in your visualizations like this:

let provider = cf.provider("My provider");
let source = provider.source("myCustomQuery");
let metric0 = cf.Metric("my_metric", "sum");
let group1 = cf.Attribute("my_group")
          .sort("desc", cf.Metric("my_metric", "sum"));
let myData = source.groupby(group1).metrics(metric0);
let myChart = myData


Thanks, that’s amazing, it really helps me and saves my time, i tried and it works for me, just one more question, it can be done also with bigquery and other providers, right?


Of course, but just SQL peoviders and just in case here you have the documentation for that: CUSTOM QUERIES


I see, all is in the documentation :sweat_smile:, i’ll review that first the next time, thank you so much.