Hi, I’m using Chartfactor Studio and I have some widgets with data coming from an Elasticsearch provider, but some columns in this dataset are empty so they appear as null, how can I exclude NULL values by default in a specific widget?
Dont show null values in the dashboard
I see, well, i don’t know what kind of charts you are using, but follow these steps:
- First in one of your charts click on the null value so you can apply a filter with that null value
- Then in the Interaction manager at the top in Studio click on the operation section of the applied filter, that will change the operation from
- Then in the widget you want to exclude null values permanently, open the options and click on static filters
- In the static filters window just save that filter and it will keep the filter in the widget permanently, even if you delete de filter from the Interaction manager
I tried it and it works perfectly, it would be great if there was a way to add static filters without having to use the Interaction Manager, thank you so much.