Drilling-in for columns


I need to use a drill-in config for a heatmap but using the fields for column groups in the colgroupby section, i already have a drill-in config for the groups in a heatmap, but is there a way to use a similar config for Drilling-in for colgroups?


In fact we recently released a feature that allows you to drill-in with colgroups, let me show you an example of a drill config in the Interaction manager:

let drill = {
    'heatmapElementId': {
        'colGroup1': [

As you can see all you have to do is use the keyword colGroup1, colGroup2, …, as you need.
Also you can check de documentation here: https://chartfactor.com/doc/latest/visualizations/interaction_manager/#attribute-fields


I see, i didn’t notice this feature is present, i tested and it works, so thank you so much for help.