Gauge Chart with custom range


Hi, I’m trying to create a Gauge chart with custom range but when I set the range configuration to my chart in this way: “.set(‘ranges’, [0, 120])” the needle disappears and all the scale numbers go to 0.0. How can I do this, thanks.


Hi @john, please take a second look at the gauge documentation. “ranges” is actually an array of arrays, so you need to set it as “.set(‘ranges’, [[0, 120]])”. The gauge visual is a multigraphic visual that can contain multiple gauges. Let me know if this answers your question.

Best regards,



Hi guys, I’m trying to use Color Ranges on the Gauge widout success, It is possible to use Color Ranges with Gauge?. Thanks.


Hi @pepe, the Gauge visualization can be colored by using an array of color ranges as shown below. It supports multiple gauges on a single visualization.

var metrics = [
   cf.Metric('commission', 'avg')

var myChart = cf.provider('Elasticsearch')
                .set('rangeColors', [
                    [[0.02, 'lime'], [0.5, '#1e90ff'], [0.7, '#ff4500'], [0.8, 'yellow'], [1, 'orange']]

Let me know if you have additional questions. Best regards.