Hidden visualizations on Studio


Hi guys, I’m new to ChartFactor Studio and I’m trying to create a data application with a local Elasticsearch source that I indexed myself. However, I can’t see all the visualizations that are listed on the download page. Is there a limitation for local sources or I am doing something wrong? Thanks.


Hi, @harry there is no limitation on the number of visualizations when you use local sources, remote sources or our demo sources. The only thing I can think of is a Studio functionality that hides visualizations depending on the capabilities of the data source itself. For example, if the data source does not have time fields, then all time-related visuals (e.g. trend) do not appear in the visualization list. The same applies to metrics, etc. Review your data types on the Metadata Information window and make sure that you have at least one time field to enable time related charts and metrics for multimetric charts. I hope this can help. Best regards.


I had the same problem until I figured out that this was the cause. Specifically I had a field but it was not indexed as time, but keyword. I just needed re-index the data using timestamp as the mapping.

However I was reading about that in the custom metadata we can defined types to our fields. Should I’ve done this only or the mapping change for the field is still needed?


Types are used most of the time for display purposes, for example when you want to treat a float field as integer or percent, or a numeric that you want to use as attribute. But you can not convert a string to time just by changing the top level type (ATTRIBUTE to TIME). There are other resources like derived fields for that. Nevertheless the best option always is to have the data in the right format from the data source.

How to create a derived field for time

I see, so top level types are then not determinant in how the field behave right? I may need to use the derived fields since I need to access an elastic server that for the moment I don’t have access to it.


Yes they are. As I mentioned Toolkit types (ATTRIBUTE, TIME, INTEGER, NUMBER, MONEY and PERCENT) are used to know how they fields data should be treated (shown) as long as it makes sense. If you take a NUMBER value and make it into TIME, the toolkit will try to apply time rules to the data and it will fail.

In your case, the types of derived fields you can use are Aggregate Level since Elastic doesn’t support Row Level.