How to drill-in acording to a specific time window


Hi, i need to know if it possible to drill-in using a time field but specifying exact time limits to change the granularity of this field depending on how much time is in a time window specified by a filter.

Ihave a trend with a time filed, but i want the granularity in MONTH when I have a time window of less than 2 years, and a DAY granularity when the time windows is less than 1 MONTH


Hey @sam, actually there is a way to do it, there is a new feature in the Interaction manager called Auto drill-in wich is a drill-in config for time fields, the auto drill-in chages the granularity acording to the time window that you have, for example if you apply a filter with a small time window it calculates the apropiate granularity for that time range, and when you remove the filter it calculates the granularity again but with all the time available.

Also you can define Drill-in break points, with that you can specify what are the limits of each granularity and the IM calculates the time granularity automatically according to the size of the time window selected.


I just tested and it works super well, thank you so much, it is a really good feature.