Pivot table wrong total calculation


Hey guys I have a question, I’m using a pivot table like the image bellow, and the first row with the total is 10000, but when I add up all the totals in the rows below I get a 10 not a 10000, so my question is, is this total correct?



Hey first at all you need to understand two key points when using the Pivot table. First, the total of the Pivot table is the total of rows in the entire source. Second, if there are nulls, they may not be displayed in the rows below. This means that the user should ensure that the total of the Pivot table matches the total of rows in the source to ensure that all data is accounted for.


I got it, so the total is the total data in the source, when I check the source it makes sense because that’s the number of rows there, thank you so much, now i understand the functionality better.