Prevent a chart from triggering filters


Hello I have several charts in my react app using chratfactor, but the page is only to view the data and make decisions based on it, the problem is that when users click on any of them a filter is triggered, but we do not need to launch filters at least not in this dashboard, so I wonder if there is a way to block this functionality, so that users cannot apply a filter by accident, is this possible?


Yes, you can do it using your Interacion Manager, let me show you the code for that:

var rules = {
    'id_of_your_chart': { 
        trigger: false , // with this it will not trigger any filter

var IM = cf.create()
    .set('rules', rules)


Great, it works good, one last thing, is it possible to continue having the Interaction manager behaviour without the Interaction manager?