Scatter plot groups


Hi, I have a Scatter plot with one group and 3 metrics, but sometimes users get confused when identifying the different groups, I wonder if there is a more visible way to differentiate the groups?


Well, if you know what your groups are, you can use something like this:

let symbol = {
    color: "#fe8b3e",
    borderColor: "#756ccc",
    borderWidth: 2,
    opacity: 0.8,
    form: "roundRect",
    size: 15,
let symbol2 = {
    color: "#0095b7",
    borderColor: "#756ccc",
    borderWidth: 2,
    opacity: 1,
    form: "pin",
    size: 35,
let symbol3 = {
    color: "#cf2f23",
    borderColor: "#756ccc",
    borderWidth: 2,
    opacity: 1,
    form: "circle",
    size: 35,

let group1 = cf.Attribute("city")
    .sort("desc", "city");

// Put here the match for the groups in your data for example a group called city
let symbolMatch = {
    "City 1": symbol2,
    "City 2": symbol3
let myChart = cf.provider("your_provider")
    .set("symbol", symbol) // default symbol
    .set("symbolMatch", symbolMatch) // symbol match setting
    .graph("Scatter Plot")

With that code “City 1” and “City 2” will look different


I tried it over the weekend and it works fine, but if I had multiple groups I don’t think it would be as useful.


You have the reason, so, instead you can use the color match for having a specific color for each group, like this:

let color = cf.Color()
        "City 1": "red",
        "City 2": "blue",
        "City 3": "purple"
let myChart = myData.graph("Scatter Plot")
    .set("color", color)


Thank you, actually it was a good idea, it was the solution.