Treemap text color


Hello, I have a problem to correctly display the text color of my treemap, it seems that the configuration does not apply, this is my code:

.set('advancedOptions', {
       series: [
                 nodeClick: false,
                 breadcrumb: { show: false },
        legend: {
        show: true,
        textStyle: {
            color: 'white',
            fontSize: 11,

I’m probably doing something wrong, let me know if that’s the problem.


As you already know, the advanced options include some configurations described in Echarts if you are looking for the text color configuration( series-treemap.label.color) for the treemap you will see that it looks something like this:

.set('advancedOptions', {
    series: [
            label: {
                color: '#fff',

Let me know if this is the solution that you are looking for. :woman_technologist: