USA filter for geomap


Hello, I’m using Chartfactor Studio, I have a geomap-gl and some other visualizations, in the map I have a shape layer that I’m using to filter by state, but I have data for all the world, so, I need to apply a filter to select only USA data, but I dont want to create a big filter using all the states, is there a way to do this?


Yes, there is a way to do that, first click on this icon in your map:


It is enabled by default, but if you dont have this icon you should add this configuration:

.set("drawControl", true)

Then you should create a shape that covers all the USA area like this:

That is going to filter the data only for USA, you can also save the filter in the Interaction manager so you don’t need to draw the same shape again, using this option:



I tried over the weekend and it works good, thanks for the idea, actually is very useful, it saves me a lot of time :sweat_smile: