Hi, I am using ChartFactor Studio to create a Geo Map GL with a heatmap of crime in my city, but it seems to require a Location field, but I have the Latitude and Longitude, I started by loading the dataset from a csv file using the file upload feature of my Elasticsearch provider, how can I create a heatmap with my latitude and longitude fields? Is this possible?
Using lat and log for geo map
Well, in studio these are the steps to do that:
- in your provider click in the upload data icon
- Select csv and upload your file
- Click on the settings button
- If you have two number fields in this case lat and lon the option for add a geo point will be visible, so add a geo point fields and select the lat and lon field, in my case i don’t have a lat and lot, but you should select the lat and lon fields here:
- Click on save and just import the file, it will create a geo point field that you can use in your geo map
Thanks, it solved my problem, the truth is that I never touch that button, but now I know what it does, thanks