Welcome to ChartFactor Community
How to swap rows and columns in a Heat Map in real time?
ChartFactor Toolkit
Change metrics dinamically
ChartFactor Toolkit
Logs for user interactions
Time zone for just one field
ChartFactor Toolkit
Dont show null values in the dashboard
ChartFactor Studio
Using lat and log for geo map
ChartFactor Studio
Availability of column filters for the raw data table
ChartFactor Toolkit
Apply filter for geo map gl current area
ChartFactor Toolkit
Having two Interaction managers
ChartFactor Toolkit
Scatter plot groups
ChartFactor Toolkit
Raw data table column stats size
Raw data table column filter width
ChartFactor Toolkit
Two filter with the same name
ChartFactor Toolkit
Legend size when there are many elements
ChartFactor Toolkit
Detect sorting in table
Trend with Two sources
ChartFactor Toolkit
Show the growth rate over the previous month
ChartFactor Toolkit
Changing group data rendering
ChartFactor Toolkit
Interaction manager custom classic skin
ChartFactor Toolkit
Change granularity of a Trend dinamically
ChartFactor Toolkit
Bars with image
ChartFactor Toolkit
Minimum and maximum dates
ChartFactor Toolkit
Change bars width
ChartFactor Toolkit
Multimetric trend double axis
ChartFactor Toolkit
Trend with less space at the bottom
ChartFactor Toolkit
Field format according to types
ChartFactor Toolkit
Aditional network items for custom queries
ChartFactor Toolkit
Trend previous month metric
ChartFactor Toolkit
Bars label for group
ChartFactor Studio
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